A rare and interesting ship's log begun in 1847 for the ship Liverpool. There are also entries dated 1849 for the Brig Almira. The Liverpool captains were Timothy Batchelder in one entry and Charles A. McGellan in another the same year. The captain of the Almira was W.H.(William H.) Batchelder. Research of the Batchelder family tree finds many in the sea faring trade. Census records reveal, they eventually settled in California.
The Liverpool sailed in 1847 - 1848 from New Orleans bound to Coruna, Sapin, landing at the Vigo Quarrantine. They returned to New Orlenas.
In 1848, The Liverpool sank in heavy squalls and thick haze on the reef in Cape Verde. A detailed account of the wreckage and subsequent abandon is included
The Brig Almira sailed from Boston, Massachusetts bound to Mobile, Alabima. It left Mobile bound to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. From Philadelphia, it returned to Boston. From Boston, It sailed to Philadelphia again. This time it sailed from Philadelphia to Saco Maine. The last voyage Looks like Pigtow to Wareham.
There are a total of 123 pages. The overall size is 15 3/4" X 9 3/4".
This is an old account book that is partially filled. It was begun in 1838. I believe the school referenced in the ledger is Edmund A. Beaman's School for Young Ladies at Temple Place. Beaman was principal at this school. He was a noted educator of young women. The school appears in an 1849 Boston directory. The entries give names of the young girls who attended during the years 1838 - 1842. Numbered ratings are given the girls in following catagories: recitations, themes, absence, tardiness, violations of order, and result. Counting both sides of the pages, there are 37 filled pages in this portion.
The rear portion of the ledger contains entries from the 1870's. These entries are associated with C. A. Miles Military Academy which was located in Brattleboro, VT. There are 11 pages of entries from this section.
It is a beautiful marblelized ledger with leather spine and edges. the covers are attached. The spine is detached from the front cover but still attached at the rear. The binding is tight.
A group of meticulously kept and very detailed ledgers that tell a large part of the story of early textile manufacture in The Moodus section of East Haddam Connecticut. This section of East Haddam had a good many mills due to the plentiful rivers and the area's general geography. These 3 ledgers follow a complicated progression of partnerships and ownerships associated with the S.S. Card Mill which manufactured cotton twine. Emory Johnson also plays a large roll in the ledgers.
One of the ledgers has the following words written on the opening page. "Moodus Nov. 28th 1833
I hereby transfer to S. S. Card all my rights title & interest to the outstanding claims due on this book in consideration of which he promises (together with my note passed this day) to pay all claims due against the same." It is signed George Wakeman. After the inscription there is an alphabetical list of names of debtors contained within the ledger. This ledger contains accounts from the mill's general store which sold sundries such as shoes, butter, oil, flour honey, eggs, crackers, hogs heads, whips, hats, nails, candles, tobacco, and much more. Some of the names present within the ledger are Simon Beer, Nathan Ackley, Cephas Brown, Julius Bill, Justus Bolles, Nancy Butler, Benjamin Button, Wakeman Card & Co., Card & Purple, Anson Carpenter, Rosewell Davison, Lucretia Dean, Peter Faircloth, Henry Flood, S. Hutchinson & Co. Urbane House, Gershom Jones, Goodnow Levinson & Co. and many others. Some of the debtors pay with time worked and others barter with honey, shoes, tobacco. Others simply pay with cash. This ledger is over 1/2 full and in very good condition and has an embossed leather cover. There are approximately 200 pages containing written information not including the index of names.
The ledger with the marbled paper covers contains entries from the early 1830's as well. The inside of the front cover has a pencil inscription reading S. S. Card. This is followed by an alphabetical list of debtors. The first page of the book contains an invoice for the Smith Manufacturing Companies bill. It is dated 1829 and consists in part of numerous interesting early fabrics and sewing notions purchased in bulk. Much of the rest of this ledger contains records of the cost for repairs to the mill and its machinery and the wages for labor paid to various workers who performed the repairs. The book is approximately2/3 full of entries consisting of approx 200 filled pages. The final page of this ledger, way in the back, contains an entry dated 1834 which certifies that the "subscriber Roswell Davison, one of the partners of the firm Central Manufacturing Company does here by transfer make over bargain and sell unto Stanton S. Card all the right title and interest I have or ought to have in or to the books & accounts debts dues and demands in favor of on agreement Card company commencing Oct 1, AD 1831 and ending August 1 AD 1833". There is also a quit claim deed partially filled in by Stanton S. Card.
The final ledger is a thick ledger with embossed leather covers. The front cover is detached. The first pages contains entries for quit claims and transfers by S. S. Card dating from 1861 - 1866 which are accompanied by Connecticut tax stamps. These are signed by various people including EmoryJohnson, George and Mary Wakeman, Nancy Spencer J. E.Emmons and Jonathan Olan. The book contains entries from the 1840's and 50's. For the most part, this ledger seems to be a record of the sales to various individuals and companies for cotton twine and cord produced by the mill. The back portion contains some separate accounts kept by S. S. Card. This ledger is almost completely filled. There are over 600 pages containing entries.
This is an early manuscript ledger or day book from Williamstown, Massachusetts. Williamstown is a town in the Berkshires, whose location borders Vermont.. It is the home of Williams College.
This is a store ledger, possibly from Whitman's store, with an array of diverse items. Text books appear to be sold throughout the ledger perhaps related to the college. On occasion an entry specifies the purchaser is a student. Purchases of pine boards window glass and nails appear along side those of edged plates and glass tumblers. A wide variety of fabrics were sold including Calico, velvet, flannel, linen and silk. A sample entry from the ledger is for Elihu Hunt who is shown as debtor to a tea kettle as well as a dish kettle and pitcher. He also purchased a set of knives and forks, 1 blue set, tea pot sugar and creamer, 1 1/2 set of blue teas, 1/2 dr edged plates along with other miscellaneous items. Please enlarge thumbnails to see more entry details. In general, other store patrons purchased rum wine, whisky, brandy as well as raisins, brown sugar, coffee and even, opium..The store sold ringed decanters, flint tumblers and twisslers? and paper hanging (wall paper). On occasion, there is a credit issued for making a hat or some other exchange for goods. One example is where Samuel G. Mays receives a credit for 1 fur hat "for Seymour". An interesting credit is one received by William Harvey "paid by your father in holloware". (perhaps William Harvey's father was a pewter or silversmith). Also interesting is the fact that Corp. Williamsburg College is a frequent customer of this store. Several customers purchase a substance known as Nicaragua which peaked my curiosity. Nicaragua is a wood from Nicaragua that is used as a dyestuff. These customers also purchase alum, which would have been used as a mordant, indicating that they were involved in the textile industry. Another entry for the purchase vials and snake root was made by Alanson Porter who was a physician in Williamstown. Others, perhaps avoiding a visit to the town physician, choose to treat their ills themselves by the purchase of swamp oil. Two quarts were purchased by Ezra Ingraham, who may or may not have married his sisters.
The book has marbled boards with a leather spine. It measures 13" X 8 1/2". The ledger has 256 numbered pages. Pages numbered 1 - 4 are missing as are pages numbered 21 - 71. Two pages at the back are torn off. The first date in the book is May 20, 1823. The last complete page is dated December 29. 1823.
This early almanac is titled The Farmer's Calendar for the Vermont, New York, and Connecticut For The Year of Our Lord 1810. It was published in Burlington, Vermont. It is printed on laid paper and has a sewn binding. The almanac is in pertty good original condition. There is a little darkening from age and some wear to the front cover and around the edges. It contains 22 pages including the back cover. The pages are not numbered.
This is a rare signed letter written by John Marshall of Virginia to William Giles, also of Virginia. The letter was written in the year 1789, about 12 years before Marshall became Chief Justice. John Marshall, 1755 - 1835, was our fourth chief Justice and our longest serving Justice. He held the position between the years 1801 - 1835. During that time our courts were in their infancy and Marshall was influential in shaping our constitutional law. As Chief Justice he played a significant role in the development of our legal system, reinforcing the principal that federal courts are obligated to excercise judicial review, by disregarding purported laws if they violate the constitution. Before becoming Chief Justice, Marshall was a leader of the Federalist Party. He served in the House of Representatives from 1799 - 1800. He also served as Secretary of State under John Quincy Adams from 1800 - 1801.
The letter is addressed to William B. Giles Esquire Atty. at law Petersburg (Virginia). William Branch Giles, 1762 - 1830, was a long term senator serving the state of Virginia. He was also Virginia's 24th governor. He served in the House of Representatives from 1790 - 1798 and also from 1801 - 1803. Between 1798 - 1801 he was a member of the Virginia House of Delegates and an elector for Thomas Jefferson. He served as U.S. Senator during the years 1804 - 1814.
The contents of the letter concern declarations against persons names Swepson and also Cunliffe . It is possible the Cunliffe referred to is one that was invloved in the Midlothian, Virginia coal mines. Originating in England, the Cunliffe name is an early one in Virginia.. The family was involved in the purchase of land for mining. The Swepson reference is likely related to Richard Swepson Sr. who died in 1788, He owned and ordinary or tavern in Vriginia which was transfered to his to his son Richard Swepson Jr. upon his father's death. The referenced tavern is the Boyd Tavern in what is now Boydton, Virginia.. Both the Cunliffe and Swepson names has a long history in the state of Virginia.
The letter reads as follows:
Richmond July 8th 89
Dear Sir,
I have viewed your enclosing the papers in constables suit. I shall endeavor to prepare and answer- your declarations & bonds are filed. I transmit you a declaration. Swepson & ME (this word is cut of poss. Mecklenburg) will you have it filed? Will you also inform me whether the declarations are filed in Congress suits- if they are not I will immediately send them. I must also beg the favor of you, as the dockett is I suppose arranged, to tell me the first and last suit each day for trial. I shall then be able to mark my dockett.
Cunliff & (can't make out this other name) refuse to give 200 guineas & offer £120. I wish you would write me immediately on this subject. If the terms are inadmissible we must proceed immediately with the depositions.
Yours very sincerely,
J. Marshall
The stampless letter is framed so that both sides are visible, matted under glass. An engraved likness of chief Justice John Marshall is framed alongside the back side of the letter - the portion bearing his signature. We have not removed this lstter from the frame since such a fine job was done of framing it. Everything appears to be in very good condition. Sight size of the letter is 7" X 6". The overall framed dimension is 17 3/4" X 13 3/4".
Noted Attorney and New Hampshire native Daniel Webster, 1782 - 1852, was a Massachusetts Senator who also served in the house of Representatives for 10 years representing the state of New Hamphsire. As an attorney and politician, he was known for his fine skills as an orator. He tried numerous cases in the Supreme Court while it was presided over by Chief Justice John Marshall, winning about half of the cases he tried.
This letter concerning the French Spoliation Bill, essentially a bill designed to provide financial compensation to American merchants for the loss of ships and cargo to the French around the time of the French Revolution, was written while Webster was serving as a Senator of Massachusetts. The bill was I believe eventually passed, but not until much, much later, around 1890's. Please do not consider me an authority on this complex and lengthy legal case!!!
The letter reads as follows:
Washington April 3, 1832
My Dear Sir,
It is the intention of the House to press the French Spoliation Bill & if it be not driven out of the course, by the pressure of other subjects there is , I think, a probablilty of its passing the Senate - I can not forsee how it may fare in the H of R.
So many of our friends & neighbors are interested in the matter, that I shall not fail to use all my efforts to get the measure thru.
Yours Truly,
D. Webster
Overall the letter is in good condition however there is some splitting along the lower fold. It is accompanied by an engraving of Webster. The sight size of the letter is 9" X 7 1/2". Overall the framed measurement is 21 1/2" X 16 1/2".
This is a land transfer deed dated July 25 1783 from Windham County Connecticut. The land being conveyed is in Windham First Society. It was owned by numerous Norwich residents including Phillip Turner and his wife Lucy, Elisha Leffingwell and his wife Alice, Lucretia Tracy, Samuel Huntington and his wife Philura, also Boston residents Alvan Fosdick and his wife Lydia of Boston,. The land was being transferred to Abner Follett. The parcel was bordered by Eleazer Robinsons land and Simon Huntington's land, as well as land belinging to the heirs of Benjamin Follett. The land was located along present day Rt. 14 near the Windham Scotland town line. The document is signed by all of the parties mentioned above. It is also signed by Justice of the Peace, Samuel Tracy of New London County for the town of Norwich. There is some splitting along the fold lines, addressed on the back side with archival tape, and a moisture stain to the lower right. The document measures 13 1/4" 8 1/4".
The complete title is History of the Indians of Connecticut from the Earliest Known Period to A.D. 1850. This is a very clean edition of this fascinating early book by John W..De Forest. This copy is dated 1871. It is illustrated and contains a complete fold out map in the front.
This is a difficult to find 1860 city directory from Worcester, Massachusetts. The book has a pull out city map and the diirectory lists all of the businesses as well as the individuals living in the city along with their addresses and occupations. There are also a multitude of ads from businesses located in Worcester. The directory is a great tool for research! The book contains 124 pages and measures 5" X 7 1/2".